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Primary foods, or nonfood  sources of nourishment, are what really fuels our lives...Bliss, Passion, Love, Joy, Excitement, Accomplishments, Gratitude, Beliefs, Energy.


Primary foods include:

* Your Belief Systems about aging

* Your Relationships

* Your Daily Routines & Habits

* Your Movement

* Your Spirituality


As an Integrated Health Coach, I believe that BALANCING your primary foods is critical to achieving overall health, weight and Longevity goals. 

As your coach, I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life with strategies for Healthy Longevity.  

Orange Blossom


We have all heard that "thoughts become things" but today's science proves beyond a doubt that our beliefs shape our reality and our outcomes.  How many times have you said "I'm so old, I'm getting old, I can't remember things anymore, It tough getting old"When was the last time you looked in the mirror and told yourself how amazing you look, or do you simply count the additional wrinkles? 

As your coach I will help you to change your self-talk and provide you with tools to alter your beliefs about aging from "anti-aging" to "Healthy Longevity"!

Special Note - I encourage using the term "Healthy Longevity" vs. "anti aging".  I do this because I agree with the concepts that we should focus on the positive not the negative and our words are is a quote that I love from Mother Theresa..."I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations.  I said that I would never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."



There are all types of relationships that bring us love, fulfillment, passion and joy. Nurturing those relationships is a primary food that is easy to do.  Ensuring that our life is filled with lots of relationships and blessings from these bonds affects our healthy longevity.

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Career/Daily Activites

 Daily Activities & Habits

What are your daily Habits?  How do you spend your day?  How much time do you dedicate to YOU and your health, your body, your success? What drives you? What is your Why? What do you do every day to ensure you live a Long and Healthy Life?  Where could you use some help?  

As your coach we will look at these answers and incorporate them into your Balanced Longevity plan!



Run, Jump, Play, Row, Walk, Stretch, Lift!


Movement is an integral part to our overall health and Longevity.  There are so many forms of enjoyable movement we can partake in is your personal choice of what brings you challenge, joy and results but one thing is for certain...MOVEMENT IS NOT AN OPTION.  Together we will look at the best options and choices for you and implement a plan to bring you health and joy!

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No matter what your beliefs are your connection to infinite source affects your overall peace and self-acceptance.  This coaching understands what the impact of living a Spiritual life has on overall health, regardless of which practice you hold in your own life.  The goal is to incorporate this primary food into the balance of your life. 

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